Become A Sponsor
If your business or organization is interested in making a financial contribution to Riverside Junior Woman's Charity, please contact us. Donation levels range from $300 to $3,000 and will give you advertising exposure during our new event and through August 2024 in various print, media, and online outlets! Find our complete sponsorship packet below or email for more info.
Download our 2024-2025 Sponsorship Opportunities Packet Here
If you prefer to join online, please use the form provided below
Donate to our Events
Have a product or service that you would like to contribute to Riverside Junior Woman's Charity? Our events are made successful by keeping costs as low as possible, as such we benefit a great deal from donations of space, food, drinks, and other services such as rental equipment, transportation and printing. We also hold raffles and auctions throughout the year, which impact our annual fundraising significantly. If you have a product, service, event tickets, or other 'prize like' offerings that you or your business/organization would be interested in contributing to our raffle and auction collections, we would be very grateful. Please contact our solicitation chair at